Brantford police installed integrated Automated Licence Plate Recognition (ALPR) and In-Car Camera (ICC) systems in patrol vehicles, which were operational at the end of May.
The use of ALPR and ICC’s allow officers to quickly identify licence plates and vehicles linked with traffic or criminal offences. Investigations related to stolen vehicles, prohibited/suspended drivers, and wanted or missing people will all benefit from the use of this technology.
The integrated ALPR/ICC system is mounted on the front windshield of patrol vehicles and includes an in-car facing camera and a front-facing dash camera to continuously scans passing license plates while an officer drives through the city. If an issue is detected with a plate, the technology will assist officers to take the appropriate enforcement action. The integrated in-car camera will provide objective video recordings of interactions between officers and members of the public, gathering evidence which could be utilized in the prosecution of offences.
The Brantford Police Service are implementing this equipment as a result of provincial grant funding available to leverage technology which will enhance community and officer safety, increasing transparency and accountability in policing.
The use of this technology respects citizens’ privacy and rights as recognized under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and is in full compliance with the guidelines on the use of ALPRS by police services as released by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC).