Due to the special air quality alert, caused by fires in Quebec and northeastern Ontario and extremely dry conditions, the City of Brantford has issued an open-air burning ban. Effective immediately, all open-air fires are prohibited including those who have an open-air burning permit and agricultural burns.
The only exceptions to the ban are cooking fires contained in a barbeque and cooking fires in approved campgrounds. Outdoor appliances listed for use in Canada that utilize propane or natural gas as a fuel supply are also allowed to be used, provided they are being used in accordance with their manufacturer’s instructions.
Fires conducted during the ban may be subject to a fine or a cost recovery invoice, including the costs of the personnel and equipment as authorized and set out in the City Fees and Charges By-law.
During these dry conditions please:
· make sure all matches or cigarettes are out before disposing of them;
· dispose of cigarette butts in metal containers. Do not throw them on the ground or into vegetation, and;
· be careful with anything that could start a fire.
The ban will remain in effect until further notice. Any updates will be shared with local media, and on communicated to the public through local media and the City’s social media channels and website.
For more information, please contact Deputy Fire Chief Dwayne Armstrong at darmstrong@brantford.ca or 519-752-4122 ext. 5043.