With the holidays approaching, many families in the County of Brant are planning to travel outside of Canada. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Canada has established requirements for travellers when returning to Canada to protect the health and wellbeing of the country and our community.
The County of Brant would like to remind residents and visitors of the requirements for children less than 12 years of age who are not fully vaccinated and have travelled outside of Canada.
For 14 days after arriving back in Canada, the child must not attend:
- Camp,
- After school programs,
- Recreational activities including
- sports including hockey, ringette and soccer,
- public skates and skating programs including learn to skate, figure skating and power skating,
- toddler’s programs
- children’s programs, and
- other extracurricular events.
The requirements also state that the child must not attend large crowded settings including both indoor and outdoor functions.
During this 14 day period, guardians are responsible to:
- Limit their child’s contact with others,
- Ensure their child is wearing a properly fitted mask and practices physical distancing when in contact with non-household members, and
- Avoid all contact with any person that has an underlying medical condition, has a compromised immune system and/or is 65 years of age or older.
For full details, please visit https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/diseases-conditions/fully-vaccinated-travellers-without-covid-19-symptoms-returning-canada.html.
For questions about County of Brant recreation programs, please contact Stacey Ellins, Director of Recreation Services, County of Brant, 519.44BRANT (519.442.7268), 1.855.44BRANT or email Stacey.ellins@brant.ca.