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City of Brantford urging residents to follow COVID-19 guidelines

City of BrantfordCity of Brantford urging residents to follow COVID-19 guidelines

The City of Brantford’s top priority continues to be the health and safety of our citizens and staff. The City also recognizes and sincerely appreciates that residents have made countless sacrifices in our collective fight to mitigate the detrimental impact of the pandemic on our local healthcare system. Based on current COVID-19 case counts locally and province wide, time-limited measures are now needed to preserve hospital capacity and protect our local healthcare system.

As outlined below and in accordance with the provincial announcement to temporarily move to a modified Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopen, the City has temporarily modified services and programming offerings, effective January 5, 2022 until at least January 26, 2022.

While certain City services and facilities presently remain open at 50% capacity levels, gathering limits will be strictly enforced to ensure that physical distancing (2 metres/6 feet) is maintained at all times. When inside a public building, you must wear a face covering unless you meet one of the exemptions; for example, doing so would compromise your health.

City facilities that remain open during current modified Step Two

Brantford City Hall (58 Dalhousie Street)

Brantford City Hall remains open by appointment only from Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Residents are encouraged to access the list of Popular City Services available online at www.brantford.ca for convenient ways to digitally request City services. Services you can only receive in-person through an appointment are:

  • Bulk water refill program
  • Commissioning services
  • Drop off and pick up of documents for the Building, Planning and Public Works departments
  • Marriage licenses
  • New dog tag licensing

For general enquiries, please email the Customer Contact Centre at customercontact@brantford.ca or call 519-759-4150.

The following City facilities also remain open at 50% capacity:

  • 220 Colborne Street (clients are encouraged to access online services if and when possible)
  • Brantford-Brant Business Resource Centre (by appointment only, please call 519-759-4150)
  • Brantford Public Library
  • Brantford Transit and Brantford Lift (Please note current scheduling changes due in part to capacity limits and current staff shortages due to illness/isolation requirements)
  • Cemetery Services
  • Brantford Farmers’ Market
  • Harmony Square outdoor ice rink – pre-booking of one-hour timeslots online is required beginning Saturday, January 8 until at least Sunday, January 30, 2022 at brantford.ca/RecConnect. The rink is open weather permitting with a capacity of 10 people at one time. View rink status on the City’s website.
  • Parking Enforcement Office
  • Parks and playgrounds
  • Provincial Offences Court
  • T.B. Costain/SC Johnson Community Centre (for child care only)
  • Trails

City facilities that will be closed until at least January 26, 2022

  • Beckett Adult Leisure Centre
  • Bell Homestead National Historic Site. Please email bellhomestead@brantford.ca to book a virtual education workshop or to book an appointment to visit the museum store.
  • Brantford and District Civic Centre
  • Brantford and Area Sports Hall of Recognition
  • Branlyn Community Centre
  • Doug Snooks Eagle Place Community Centre
  • EarlyON Child and Family Centres indoor programming (offering outdoor programs with 10 participants and virtual programming only)
  • Glenhyrst Art Gallery of Brant
  • Lions Park Arena
  • Sanderson Centre for the Performing Arts Events – Ticket holders for January 2022 shows will be contacted directly with rescheduling information. The Box Office will remain open during regular business hours.
  • T.B. Costain/SC Johnson Community Centre (with exception of childcare)
  • Tourism Information Desk
  • Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre (with exception of Centreline Physio, Sports and Wellness clinic)
  • Woodman Park Community Centre

Emergency child care

The provincial government will be providing free emergency child care for school-aged children of health care and other eligible frontline workers beginning January 10, 2022. Learn more and apply at Brantford.ca/ChildCareServices.

Continuity of Essential City Services

In the event that COVID-19 outbreaks occur among City staff, residents can be confident that contingency plans are in place to ensure continuity of essential City services including Brantford Fire, waste collection, water operations and Brantford Transit. We appreciate the public’s patience and understanding should modifications to essential services be required at this time to ensure staff safety and continuity of operations. Additional measures the City has implemented to prevent transmission among City staff include an employee vaccination policy, mandatory staff screenings, working within cohorts, mandatory face coverings and more.  

Let’s continue to take care of each other

The City of Brantford stresses that all residents and businesses play a very significant role in keeping our community safe and preventing the spread of COVID-19. Please continue to follow these important COVID-19 guidelines:

  • Wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, cover coughs or sneezes, clean and disinfect surfaces and stay home if you are sick
  • Wear a face covering (non-medical mask), such as a cloth mask in all public enclosed indoor spaces to reduce the risk of transmission
  • Continue to practice physical distancing (2 metres/6 feet apart from others outside your household)
  • Book your COVID-19 vaccination or booster through the Brant County Health Unit
  • Download the COVID alert app

Additional updates regarding City programs and services, and the continuity of services are shared regularly on the City’s Facebook and Twitter pages and at brantford.ca/coronavirus.

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