The City of Brantford re getting ready to host the 2025 Special Olympics Ontario Provincial Summer Games in July.
The games will be a collaboration between the city, the Six Nations Police, The Ontario Provincial Police, and the Wayne Gretzky Foundation.
The event will have over one thousand athletes and coaches from across the province playing a variety of sports including bocce, golf, track and field, soccer, and softball.
Kailee Mitchell, an athlete from Brantford, shared her excitement for the event and her thoughts on why the Ontario Special Olympics are important.
Mitchell said the Olympics are a great way for athletes to meet new friends and stay active.
“I’m in swimming, basketball, track and field and soccer,” Mitchell said.
Mitchell said she has spent a lot of time practicing to participate in each of the sporting competitions and is looking forward to the event next summer.
Glen Gretzky, from The Wayne Gretzky Foundation, said there is lots of excitement around next year’s games.
“We’re very excited for the city and the athletes, the volunteers and the parents,” he said “I think it’s just going to be one of the best events Brantford has ever had.”
The event next summer is also an opportunity for athletes to qualify for a spot on Team Ontario before the 2026 Special Olympics Canada Summer Games in Medicine Hat, AB.