The City of Brantford is looking to commission a muralist, or mural collective, to create a mural on the west wall of the Brantford Public Library in late summer to early fall of 2024.
This mural is part of a larger project to create a community performance space in Brantford’s downtown. This mural will create a visual element and backdrop for the artists performing on the new stage, which will be installed in the coming months. The successful mural will be installed alongside the existing La Landscape de Kanata public art piece to create visual cohesion in the parkette. Upon completion, the area will include a performance stage, picnic tables, and garden landscaping directly under the mural wall.
The commissioned artist will be selected through an open stage juried process. The jury includes community experts and members of the Brantford Public Art Working Group. The project budget is $15,000 and includes all costs directly associated with the artwork.
“This mural, along with the community performance stage, aims to enhance community well-being and create space for live music in Brantford’s downtown,” explained Kara Davey, Manager of Tourism, Culture and Sport, City of Brantford. “The mural will help beatify and activate this underutilized space.”
The deadline for submissions is July 26, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. Questions about the Call for Artists may be directed to To learn more about the project, visit