City of Brantford Council unanimously voted in favour of putting a long-awaited splash pad in Princess Anne Park during a Special City Council meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2024.
County of Brant, in partnership with the Burford Optimist Club, held a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Burford Optimist Skate Park on Monday, September...
City of Brantford, together with the Holmedale Neighbourhood Association and hundreds of residents, celebrated the grand reopening of the newly renovated Dufferin Park ...
City of Brantford officially reopened the D’Aubigny Creek and Lorne Bridge trails following extensive renovations to improve safety and accessibility of the trails on...
City of Brantford, along with the Holmedale Neighbourhood Association, will be celebrating the grand reopening of the newly renovated Dufferin Park on Sunday, July...
Over 1,000 residents joined the City of Brantford to celebrate the official grand reopening of Woodman Pool on Saturday, June 1, 2024.
Brantford Mayor Kevin...
City of Brantford Council members and representatives from Equal Ground Community Gardens gathered for a groundbreaking ceremony at the Woodman Park Community Centre and...
Arrowdale Dog Park, located at 282 Stanley Street, will be closed for approximately two weeks as it undergoes a renovation to improve user experience.
The City of Brantford, in partnership with local Neighbourhood Associations, will be hosting grand opening celebrations of two parks later this month.
Families will have...
Silverbridge Park in Brantford was vandalized with a silicone-based substance by unknown person(s) earlier this week.
City of Brantford staff received a report indicating that...
As part of the Brant Waterways Foundation (BWF) Trail Improvement and River Access (TIRA) project, representatives of BWF and the City of Brantford joined members...
Brantford City Council directed staff to develop and implement a new and improved Robert Moore Park at the Sydenham-Pearl lands during their special City...