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Investigate Italy: Classics Edition - March 15

Start Date: March 15, 2024

From 18:00 to 21:00


1909 Culinary Academy - 5183 Trussler Road, Ayr, ON


Classes at the 1909 Culinary Academy combine a hands-on cooking experience with delicious tasting experiences.

Five classic Italian dishes are on our menu for this culinary event.

We’ll start off making a batch of Fresh Ricotta Cheese before taking on some Italian favourites including a Lemon Risotto and Chicken Parmigiana. Classic Italian Dipping Oil with Crostini will be our starter and a dessert of Panna Cotta with Cherries will wrap our meal.

At the end of class, we’ll sit down to enjoy the dishes you’ve made together.

The 1909 Culinary Academy is licenced. We have a drink menu of beer, wine, and assorted cocktails for you to enjoy throughout the event.

Sometimes we have leftovers. Please bring your own reusable containers to help us reduce the use of single use plastics.

Contact for more information

Email Address: 1909culinaryacademy@gmail.com

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