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Travel to Thailand - March 8

Start Date: March 8, 2024

From 18:00 to 21:00


1909 Culinary Academy - 5183 Trussler Road, Brantford, ON


Classes at the 1909 Culinary Academy combine a hands-on cooking experience with delicious tasting experiences.

With an all new menu, this Thai theme is considered Intermediate in skill level.

What’s on our menu?

We’ll start with a rich and creamy yet tangy and salty soup called Thom Kha Gai- the best I’ve ever had! The popular Thai stir fried noodles straight from the streets of Thailand made at home! While Pad Thai is sweeter and nuttier, Pad See Ew is salty, balanced with a touch of sour and a wonderful chargrilled flavour which you can recreate at home! hese Thai Noodles are tossed with a spicy peanut sauce and garnished with crunchy sesame seeds. These peanut noodles are addictive!

At the end of class, we’ll sit down to enjoy the dishes you’ve made together.

The 1909 Culinary Academy is licenced. We have a drink menu of beer, wine, and assorted cocktails for you to enjoy throughout the event.

Sometimes we have leftovers. Please bring your own reusable containers to help us reduce the use of single use plastics.

Contact for more information

Email Address: 1909culinaryacademy@gmail.com

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