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DT Concert Series - Chris Murphy

Start Date: November 15, 2023

From 19:30 to 22:30


Dominion Telegraph Event Centre - 97 Grand River St N, Paris, ON


This show is held at the Dominion Telegraph Event Centre (97 Grand River St N) in Downtown Paris, ON. It is a seated indoor show, and seating is general admission – first come, first serve. Snacks & drinks are available for purchase at the bar in the venue.

We are not able to process refunds for ticket holders. Thank you for understanding.

Chris Murphy has been in the band Sloan for over 30 years. Chris got into the super group game in 2015 when he formed a trio called TUNS (rhymes with buns) with Matt Murphy (Super Friendz/The Flashing Lights) and Mike O’Neill (The Inbreds). Now on a supergroup kick, he formed Trans-Canada Highwaymen in 2017 with Steven Page (ex Barenakedladies), Moe Berg (The Pursuit of Happiness) and Craig Northey (Odds). Then in 2018 some of his other musician friends were complaining they weren’t in a super group so Chris went ahead and agreed to make Anyway Gang with Sam Roberts (Sam Roberts Band), David Monks (Tokyo Police Club) and Menno Versteeg (Hollerado). Please don’t ask Chris to form a group with you. He doesn’t have time. What little time Chris has left over has been earmarked for solo shows where Chris plays songs and tells stories accompanied by acoustic guitar.

Contact for more information

Email Address: info@noisemaker.ca

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